AutismCare Nepal Society

Abilis Project

“Capacity Building of AutismCare Society For Not Letting Children with Autism Left Behind” (18AA010)


This project was agreement between Abilis Foundation and AutimCare Nepal Society. This project is funded by the Abilis Foundation, Finland. The project started from month of June 2018 and ended in May 2019. The main objective of this project is to create inclusiveness of CWAs with Autism friendly environment in society and not letting children with Autism left behind. The project coincide with sustainable development goals as well as gender equality and social inclusion. The project mainly focused on the early identification and intervention of CWAs through the home visit program. It also support in capacity building of parents of CWAs through the counseling and trainings program. It also contributes in the awareness of autism among concerned stakeholders and general public.

Results of Project Activities:

S.No. Activities Beneficiaries Results
1 Human Rights Training to Women with Disabilities. 20 Mothers of Children with Autism. The mothers of Children with Autism are Aware about fundamental human rights of person with disabilities.
2 Community visits by five mothers of CWAs working as community health workers. 4 Mothers of CWAs as community health workers and 32 Children with Autism and their Parents and caregivers. The data collection is performed and situation of Children with Autism was determined.
3 Institutional Capacity enhancement through home visit program. 32 Families including Children with Autism and their Parents and caregivers. The parents of Children with Autism received necessary counselling, intervention and trainings.
4 Training to Parents of Children with Autism on how to take care of their Children. 40 Parents including fathers and mothers. The Parents learned various knowledge and skills for proper take care of their children in Autism friendly environment.
5 Capacity building for assessment and counselling to new Parents of CWAs. 57 new cases were diagnosed with Autism and 78 functional assessment were performed. The Children with Autism received early intervention and Parent and Child Training Program.
6 Production of IEC materials(Brochures, Pamplets, Postures, Leaflets, Calendars) and dissemination to stakeholders and general population. Parents and caregivers, Government Stakeholders, Health Professionals, DPOs, and General Public. 3000 Brochures, 3000 Pamplets, 500 Posters, 2000 Leaflets and 5000 Calendars were developed and disseminated which enhanced Autism awareness in Nepal.