AutismCare Nepal Society

Make a Donation

As a charity, we rely on your kind donations to continue our work. There are lots of ways you can give. You can visit our organisation and donate in our Donation Box. You can make your contribution in our Buy a Brick Project.

Our Banking Details of AutismCare Nepal Society is as follow :

Name of Bank: Sunrise Bank Limited, Corporate Head Office
Address: Sunrise Plaza, Gairidhara Crossing, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: 977-1-4004560, 4004562, 4004563; Fax: 977-1-4422475
Account Name: Autism Care Nepal Society
Account No: 00210008475018


You can directly contact Autism Care Nepal Society office at:

Harisiddhi-29, Lalitpur, Nepal

Phone: 01-5912554/549
