AutismCare Nepal Society

CBM Project

“Development of educational materials for Inclusion of Children with Autism in Mainstream Schools of Nepal”

Objectives of Program:

  • To develop specific educational material for teachers and parents for inclusion of Children with Autism in Mainstream school.


Expected Accomplishments:

  1. Educational material developed will be remarkable aid for education of children with Autism.
  2. Develop understanding among parents and teachers for enrolling children with autism in Mainstream school.


Indicators of Achievement:

  1. Numbers of educational material developed and disseminated.
  2. Number of Children with Autism are enrolled in Mainstream School.


Main Activities:

  1. Workshop for preliminary draft preparation
  2. Development of specific Educational materials (Flip Charts and User Manual)


Time Duration: 2 Months (November and December 2019)



“Development of educational materials for Inclusion of Children with Autism in Mainstream Schools of Nepal”

Activity No. Activities Why Duration Where How Participants Expected Outcome
1 Workshop for preliminary draft preparation(Flip Chart and User Manual) For Preparing the draft of educational materials 1st-28th Nov 2019 Open discussion/ interaction/ Focus Group Discussion Government stakeholders/expertise draft for Flip Chart and usual manual developed
1.1 Preliminary meeting with experts in Autism Field for draft preparation of Educational materials To determine the gap in inclusive education/education material Prior Workshop(1st-27th Nov 2019) ACNS premise, Harisiddhi, Lalitpur Open Focus group Discussion Special Educators, teachers, parents First draft of educational materials prepared
1.2 Sharing meeting for draft preparation Educational Materials in collaboration with CBM To finalized the draft educational materials 28th November 2019 Conference Hall Open discussion and interaction Government stakeholders, experts in the field on autism, teachers, parents Final Draft prepared
2 Development of Educational Materials(Flip chart and user manual) For inclusion of CWAs in mainstream school After finalization of drat ACNS With consensus of all experts, donors and concerned stakeholders ACNS, CBM and Concerned stakeholder Widely disseminated for autism inclusion in Mainstream school